Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops (30ml)

Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops (30ml)

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Indication of Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops

A65 Bronchitis Drops is indicated for acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchial tubes, mucus drainage from sinuses, burning throat, dry raw concussive cough, chronic productive cough with expectoration, shortness of breath or wheezing, chest pain, dyspnoea.
Composition of Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops

Blatta Orientalis 3x
Belladonna 3x
Bryonia Alba 3x
Drosera Rotundifolia 3x
Aconitum Napellues 3x
Antimonium Tartaricum 3x
Sulphur 3x
Carbo Vegetablis 3x
Ipecacuanha 3x
Hepar Sulphuris Calacreum 3x
Kali Bichromicum 3x
Silicea 3x in aqua destillata

Dosage of Allen A65 Bronchitis Drops

Take 10 - 15 drops in half-cup of water, 4 times a day.

Mode of Action:

Blatta Orientalis: Primarily remedy for breathlessness. Despite apparent vitality, the patient suffers with dyspnoea and shortness of breath from slight exertion. Useful in bronchitis and phthisis where there is great dyspnoea. Suffocation threatened by great accumulation of mucus.
Belladonna: Barking cough, awake after midnight, pain in larynx and threatened suffocation.
Bryonia Alba: Cough - dry, hard, very painful, at night. Sharp, stitching pain in chest.
Drosera Rotundifolia: Nocturnal cough. Sensation of constriction in chest while coughing.
Aconitum Napelles: Hoarse, dry, whoopy cough.
Antimonium Tartaricum: Great accumulation of mucous with coarse rattling; thereby respiration is impeded. Great rattling of mucus when very little is expectorated. Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus. Rapid, short, difficult breathing, abdominal breathing.
Sulphur: Respiration difficult.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Hoarseness. Laborious quick short breathing with burning in chest with haemoptysis. Expectoration thick, sticky, yellowish, profuse with desire to take a deep breath.
Ipecacuanha: Cough - dry, spasmodic, constricted, asthmatic, incessant and violent, with every breath. Cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi when inspiring.
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum: Anxious, wheezing, rattling, short, deep breathing, threatens suffocation. Sensation of splinter in throat, stitches in throat extending to ear when swallowing.
Kali Bichromicum: Violent, rattling with gagging from viscid mucus in the throat. Expectoration - copious, stringy, tough, yellow/green.
Silicea: Cough and sore throat, with expectoration of offensive, little granules like shot. Violent cough as lying down, with thick yellow, lumpy expectoration.

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