Allen Haemogen Blood Purifier Tonic (500ml)

Allen Haemogen Blood Purifier Tonic (500ml)

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Haemogen Blood Purifire Tonic is indicated for general improvement of the blood and other vital fluid compositions. It improves immunity against illness and is very effective against unclean skin, pimples, frequent boils and swelling of lymph glands.

Echinacea Angust. Q
Baptisia Q
Skookum Chuck Q
Gunpowder 3x
Sarsaparilla Q
Sulphur Q
Ferrm Phos. 3x
Carbo Veg. 3x
Acidum Mur. 6x
Hydrocotyle Q
Vanadium 12x
Alcohol in syrup and sweetener base


1 or 2 teaspoonful after food, 3 times a day.

Mode of Action:

Echinacea Angustifolia: Corrects the blood dyscrasias; hence it is useful in all types of blood poisonings. Auto-infection, septic conditions, bites of poisonous animals, Lymphangitis, gangrene, vaccinosis etc.
Baptisia: Is suitable for blood poisons that are highly septic such as the puerperal state, such as scarlet fever.
Skookum Chuck: Blood Poisoning Sepsis [Poisoning].
Gun Powder: Helps in carbuncles, acne, blood poisoning and in any condition causing septic suppuration.
Sarsaparilla: Used as a restorative and blood purifier.
Sulphur: Is an excellent blood purifier remedy.
Ferrum Phosphoricum: Is found in the blood cells. It acts as oxygen carrier. Its deficiency leads to anaemia and poor oxygenation of tissues.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis.
Acidum Muriaticum: Weak states of the body with disorganization of the blood.
Hydrocotyle Asiatica: Sensation as if heart was compressed, as if blood had no room in the aorta.
Vanadium: Congestion of blood.

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