New Shama Likonil Syrup (200ml)

New Shama Likonil Syrup (200ml)

  • $26.49
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About New Shama Likonil Syrup

New Shama Likonil is herbal combinations specially indicated for the women?s problems like leucorrhoea, menstrual disorders & uterine diseases. This is used to regulate the secretory functions of ovaries, this is mainly beneficial for the women. This is an excellent tonic during menstruation and regulate abnormal menstrual periods. This is also capable to eliminates distress and pain before and during menstruation, tones up nerves and act as an amazing uterine tonic.
Indications of New Shama Likonil Syrup

Regulates Ovum secretion
Backache in females

Ingredients of New Shama Likonil Syrup

Post Ashoka Saraca indica : Ashoka is an Indian herb which is widely used in medicine. It is an important herb in Ayurveda, used predominantly in bleeding gynecological conditions. The tree is native of India, Malaya and Burma. In fact, Ashoka is a legendary and sacred tree of India. Due to its rich and beautiful appearance, especially the flowers and the shape of the tree, it is generally planted in parks, gardens, temples and royal palace compounds. Ashoka tree provides several health benefits. Besides, it has been linked with Indian traditional medicine to relieve and treat many health conditions. Uterus disorders ? Ashoka is largely used in treating my female disorders as well as in the treatment of many gynecological disorders. It is used to manage female disorders including congestion, discomfort, pain and excessive bleeding. Moreover, it is beneficial in providing relief for dysmenorrhoea, abdominal pain and uterine spasms. Besides, it serves as an efficient tonic for optimal functioning of the uterus. Piles ? Ashoka tree flowers are useful in treating piles. It helps to cure the symptoms of piles as well as getting relief from piles. Pain - The tree has analgesic properties that are highly beneficial in soothing the nerves which were aggravated by the vata element. Complexion ? Ashoka is also good for the skin. The herb is helpful in enhancing the skin?s complexion. It is used to eliminate toxins from the body. Besides, it purifies the blood & prevents skin allergies. ? Diabetes ? The dried powder of Ashoka tree flowers seem to be useful in controlling diabetes.
Asgand Nagauri Withania somnifera
Hira Kasees Ferrous sulphate
Majeeth Rubia cardifolia
Zarambad Curcumazedoaria
Lodh Pathani Symplocos racemosus emosa
Post BaboolAcacia nilotica
Nag KesarMesua ferrea
Lodh PathaniSymplocos racemosus
Qand Safaid Sugar

Dosage of New Shama Likonil Syrup

Likonil Syrup can be given 20 ml two times in a day with water.

Precautions of New Shama Likonil Syrup

Not to be given menstrual,Pregnancy and lactation.
keep away from children's reach.
Self medication is not recommended.
Store in dry and cool place.
Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
Keep medicine in original package and container.

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