Wheezal Hyperplex Tablets (250tab)

Wheezal Hyperplex Tablets (250tab)

  • $17.00
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To control the high pressure of Blood

Other Indications
Helps to manage the pressure of blood.
Headache due to high pressure in blood.
Action of Composition used
Nux Vom Q: Headache in occiput or over eyes, Congestive headache
Belladonna Q: Palpitation reverberating in head with labored breathing. Pain, fullness, especially in forehead, also occiput, and temples. Headache from suppressed catarrhal flow.
Glonoine 3x: Great lassitude, no inclination to work, Great remedy for congestive headaches. Cannot bear any heat about head. Better from uncovering head. Throbbing headache.
Rauwolfia Q: Associated symptoms like irregular beats, increased emotional excitability, irritability and restlessness.
3 - 4 tablets 5 - 6 times in a day or as prescribed by the physician.

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